Nail Enhancement
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Kids Under 12 Yr
Enjoy this salon pedicure mainstay that offers a toenail grooming cuticles remove, callus remove, massage with any toes nails polish service selection.
Enjoy this salon mainstay pedicure including Sea Salt, Hot stone, Hot towel, relaxing with a massage.
A new technique deluxe pedicure with high-quality aromatic products. It will help remove dead cell skin on your leg, make your skin look smooth & healthy. Along with a lemon mask and applying fresh lemons, your legs will be wrapped with a hot towel, placed over a hot stone, and then massaged. This will: increase your circulation, improve skin tone, relax the muscle systems, and relieve sore feet or legs. Really relaxing.
A soothing soak, genttles exfoliation with scrub gel, soothing mask, hot towel, massage with cream lotion, and polish if desired.
Made with bamboo charcoal ingredients. Helps relaxation, improved blood circulation, and detoxifiles harmful substances